Conceptual Foundations Network

Digital Card

The Conceptual Foundations Network believes that a strong conceptual and theoretical framework is needed for the field of gifted education to advance. Their mission is to focus on theory; concepts of giftedness; philosophical foundations; trends, issues, and future directions for the field; historical perspectives; and perspectives from outside the field in order to provide the longitudinal, conceptual, and structural frame from which the field can build appropriate curriculum, identify students, and do research. Specifically, the Network:

  • Works toward developing coherent frameworks that can serve as foundations for the field of gifted education;
  • Encourages presentation of topics that relate to the five areas of mission;
  • Cooperates with other Networks with similar missions or interests to develop joint activities;
  • Disseminates information to interested parties thorough publications;
  • Encourages graduate programs and students in gifted education to include conceptual foundations in plans of study; and
  • Provides a structure that can guide practice and research through examining assumptions, concepts, definitions, and models.

Chair: Kristofor Wiley

Chair-elect: Joyce Miller

Conceptual Foundations Network Google Drive

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