NAGC Engage

How do I get started?

  1. Log into NAGC Engage at
  2. If you are an active member, you have been enrolled in the Engage Roundtable, the all-member forum
  3. Start a discussion from the Engage Homepage or any Special Interest Group or Network
  4. Reply to a discussion by clicking "Reply..." from within the discussion online OR by replying to a discussion email notification

What is my username and password?

Your username and password for NAGC Engage is the same as your NAGC website username and password. Visit the login page at to reset your password.

How do I join a discussion group?

Visit your member profile at to join Special Interest Groups and Networks. After joining a SIG or Network, it make take up to 24 hours before you have access to the SIG/Network discussion board in Engage.

All members are automatically added to the Engage Roundtable, an online discussion board for any active member of NAGC.

How do I start a new discussion in a group?

Start a discussion from the Engage homepage or use the options in your daily digest email to start a discussion in the Engage Roundtable or a Special Interest Group/Network. You can also start discussions directly from a group page.

How do I reply to a group discussion?

In your digest email, click the "Reply" button to send a response to the original poster. From the Engage website, click the green "Reply" button at the bottom of the original post or reply.

Who can see what I post to a group?

All of our Groups are members-only, so only fellow NAGC can see your posts. Some groups, like committee groups, are private. When you post a message to a private group, only members of that group can see your message.

How do I search group discussion history?

The platform is capable of searching all discussion topics within your groups. The search bar can be found at the top of your Connect home page or under the search tab on the left-hand side of your screen.

How do I change my digest type or unsubscribe from group email notification, or from a group entirely?

Visit your Engage profile to disable the notifications you receive from the Engage Roundtable or other groups.

How do I add or change my profile picture?

To add or change a profile picture, click your name in the left menu to access your profile. Then click the pencil icon at the top right of your avatar to upload a photo.

Why is there a website? Do I have to use it?

Once you have joined a group, the system can be used entirely via email if desired. You can send your messages to the group email address and reply via email to any notifications you receive. The website offers many features that are not available via email. Here are a few of the most popular features that must be accessed via the website:

  • Searchable archives of all group discussions
  • Update your profile and/or upload a photo to be associated with your profile
  • Privately message another member

Why am I receiving some notifications but not others?

It is likely that your anti-SPAM system is blocking some of the messages. Add "" to your list of "safe senders" to ensure you receive all notifications. This setting is different for each email system, so check your email system help for information on how to do this or email for assistance.

How can I find a member's email address?

For privacy reasons, you are not able to view the email address of any members. However, you can send a private message to any member without knowing their email address. See the note below about sending private messages.

How can I send a private message to an individual?

Go to the profile page of the person you want to message by clicking their name in any Group or in any notification email. Then click "Message this Person", enter a subject and message body and click "Post".

To start a new private message by click "Private Message" from the menu on the website, click "Write a New Message", enter a subject, person to message (just type in their name and select the person's name), message body, and then click "Post".

I can't find the answer to my question. What do I do?

If you need help and can't find the answer here, email us at