Arts Network

Digital Card

The Arts Network recognizes the arts disciplines—creative writing, dance, media arts, music, theater, and visual arts—as essential to gifted education, affording well-rounded development and self-actualization. Further, the impact of the arts in education extends beyond the individual, benefitting our collective futures. The Network believes artistic expression reflects an equitable and thriving citizenry where civic dialogue is promoted, and heritage and diversity honored.


Working specifically at the intersection of gifted education and arts education, the network is committed to research-based practices and programming that work to reverse underrepresentation in the arts--finding and nurturing artists from potential, to competency, to expertise. To promote excellence and equity, the Arts Network will:

  • Encourage research and publication to connect the fields of psychology and education concerning artistically gifted and talented. Focus areas include Talent Development models, programs and evaluation, equitable identification, and supported access to high quality education, appropriate professional development, curriculum, psychosocial skill instruction and mentoring, and developmentally productive experiences in schools and other settings.

  • Nurture leadership and grow our Network community to build reciprocal partnerships among parents, teachers, administrators, state leaders and researchers in a way that bridges educational organizations and spurs greater communication, collaboration, and increased support.

  • Cultivate and contribute to professional training and informational resources to support parents, educators, administrators and counselors in fostering continual social-emotional growth, achievement, and career preparation for artists with talent potential.

Chair: Steven Heil
Chair-Elect: Michelle Lewis

Arts Network Google Drive

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