correction: doing the math

on Dec 26, 2022 at 8:19 PM

correction: doing the math

From: Margaret DeLacy

User Posts: 21 - New User

I was overcome with post-holiday prostration when I wrote:

"So Special Education gets nearly one billion dollars more and Gifted Education gets $2 million more. It's better than nothing, but shouldn't we be asking how we can be more effective advocates for our g/t students?

Are they one thousand times less in need of appropriate services? "

my apologies.....I failed to do the math. I should have asked whether gifted students were 467 times less in need of gifted services (934/2). Of course many students are twice exceptional, or multiply exceptional, but they still need services tailored specifically for gifted students in addition to special education and language services.

Let's figure out how to become better advocates.

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